Grower Seminars
Cultivating truffles successfully requires a level of understanding and the internet is full of truffle articles (some quite old). Much of this has been superseded with new up-to-date information based on current trial work and success. This is now available through an educationally based grower seminar that we have developed. It is now delivered by two methods:
- Onsite Grower Seminar
- Online Grower Seminar
These are a one-day seminar/workshop conducted jointly by industry professionals Colin Carter (Trufficulture) and Noel Fitzpatrick (Truffle Growing). These are held at various locations in Victoria and NSW (near the ACT). The registration cost is $250 per person.
Colin runs his family’s nursery business Trufficulture Pty Ltd (Truffle Tree production) and subsidiary Hazelnut Nursery Propagators in Gembrook, Victoria along with Trufficulture's young, productive truffiéres.
Noel operates a truffiére in Gippsland, Victoria and is a full time truffle farm consultant.
Both Colin and Noel have many years’ experience in truffle growing & education and have completed several truffle study tours to Europe.
The seminars run from 9.30am through to 3.00pm after which there is a farm walk on a truffiére. A light lunch and morning tea is provided.
Topics covered include understanding the truffle life cycle, climate & soil, plantation establishment, quality assurance and tree evaluation, ongoing maintenance, harvesting & grading, marketing and an industry overview.
A COVID safe plan will be in place which includes required social distancing, reduced numbers, etc
For those that can't make it to a Face to Face Grower Seminar we have put together an extensive four-part video seminar series available now for online viewing. The seminar series contains interviews, comments and experience from no less than nine industry experts in the fields of truffle tree planting, irrigation and moisture monitoring, production, harvesting with dogs and marketing. The cost for the four episodes is $220 and allows access for 14 days from date of registration. Watch as many times as you wish over the 14 day period. After registration participants will be emailed a set of notes which follow the four episodes.
Participants in the online seminar will also be invited to visit the trufficulture truffiere, hazelnut grove and nursery at an agreed time.
This offer is available for two people per online registration (at no extra cost).
- The nursery visit is for one hours duration
- Additional guests can participate in the nursery visit for $55 per person
- These guests should have viewed the online seminars prior to the nursery visit
Once registered please return to this page to start viewing the video series.
To view a free five minute introductory video, click link below:
Below is a summary of topics covered in each episode:
Episode 1. Understanding Truffles
- What are truffles?
- History of Truffles
- Essential conditions for truffles
- Truffle types & host trees
- Quality assurance - certification
- Truffle life cycle
- Potential truffle returns

Episode 2. Truffière Establishment
- Sequence of steps involved
- Site selection
- Truffle ready soil test
- Design layout
- Ordering trees
- Certification
Episode 3. Truffière Management
- Follows establishment (from the 4th year after planting)
- Biosecurity measures
- Grass and weed control (mowing vs weed mats vs chemicals)
- Soil testing follow up
- Pruning
- Pests and disease control
- Cultivation & Spanish wells
- Renovation of old orchards (non productive)
- Irrigation & moisture monitoring

Episode 4. Harvesting & Marketing
- Harvesting
- Post harvest
- Cleaning & grading
- Disease Risks
- Storage and maintaining cool chain
- Packaging & labelling
- Preservation
- Uses in cooking and products
- Marketing - local & export
- Co-op vs Wholesalers